Living together in close quarters on a boat does not always work out for couples, and one of them may find they prefer to be with more people on a regular basis. Their partner may maroon them in the nearest port after an argument, and they might choose to stay there. Now that the relationship is over, the partner marooned must make a new life. They must count on their adventurous spirit to help them through this situation.
Living on land rarely changes, and people can survive being marooned in almost any modern society. A computer with an online connection is all they need to begin their new life, and many have found all they desire this way. For those who miss the sexual intimacy of a relationship, they can find local sex with a quick search of the internet. It may seem superficial, but that is what a person needs after a breakup.
Finding a companion to fulfill intimate desires may be all a person needs, but this does not necessarily have to turn into a relationship. Fuck buddies are interested in the physical aspects of intimacy, but they do not want to know much more about the person they are meeting. Rather than forming a bond with their intimate partner, a fuck buddy is only interested in the carnal relationship.
Being alone after a breakup is always a good time to relax and restore a person to their former self, but it does not need to be a time when they forego physical pleasures. They can take this time to learn about their new life in an exotic location, but they can do it without investing in a bond that will tie them down. Modern life has provided well for their physical needs, and it gives the marooned sailor a chance to recover while exploring their new port.