
Illusions of the Single Life

People who are looking for a relationship often fall prey to those who are serial daters, but what they really fall for is the illusion...


An Endless Vacation

People who have used an object such as a boat to attract dates sometimes find a vacationer who has no need to return to work,...


Paradise for a Fortnight

Life can become an endless rut when people who work in small cubicles allow it, and they often spend their time dreaming about their annual...


First Holiday Together

Embarking on a first-time vacation with your partner is an exhilarating milestone in any relationship. It’s the perfect...


The Joys of Travelling Solo

Travelling solo can be one of the most exhilarating and liberating experiences you can have. It's an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone,...


A Gateway To Self-Discovery

The idea of setting off on a holiday alone might seem daunting to some, yet it stands as a beacon of freedom and adventure for...


Attracting Dates

There are those who want to find someone special for a lifetime relationship, but there are other people who see life as a smorgasbord and...


Marooned on Shore

Living together in close quarters on a boat does not always work out for couples, and one of them may find they prefer to be...


Love and the Vacation Lifestyle

Boats, no matter how large, are a limited area when they are on the water. Two people sharing one boat should be able to live...


Making Major Lifestyle Changes

Going on a vacation to a land far away might be the dream of some couples, but others have already found their paradise. They return...